The course of defense Standard was created and perfected in order to teach every person to defend himself whether man, woman or teenagers - without any basic knowledge and without having to study in depth to practice a martial art that takes a long time to be able to learn and practice. Any person can learn the basics of self-defense, relatively quickly through the theory of Krav Maga Maor, which includes defense techniques against attacks with a knife, stick, gun locks to clothing, hair, hand, and constraints number, etc. .. . This is successfully made through special standard courses, short seminars and weekend for participants civilians, police, security personnel and Army.
Standard Courses
Krav Maga Maor Selfdefense Italia
Registro Nazionale A.S.D. n°121099
Registro C.S.A.IN n*EPSCSAIN234397
© A.S.D. KRAV MAGA DEFENSE ITALIA P.IVA: 11127791009 C.F.: 97601370584